New Year's Resolutions from staff members and some students

                      Here are some New Year's Resolutions from some staff members and students at   
                      Meadow Hill.

                           Jocelyn : "Study more and get better grades"
                           Katherine : "Do better in class"
                           Jayson : "Be a good singer and better grades"
                           Isak : "Get better grades"
                           Ms. Cadden : "Not use my phone as much"
                           Lissette : " I'm going to try to get into honors"
                           Amaya : "Get my grades up"
                           Anthony : " Get better at soccer"
                           Ryan : "Be better at basketball"
                           Mrs. Johnson : "More organized with books and paper work at home"
                           Karen: " Better at soccer"
                           Alexia: "Better at school"
                           Anthony M : "Learn more english"
                           Andre : "Better at soccer"
                           Ms. Ragusa : "More organized"
                           Mrs. Smith : "Travel more "
                           Ms. Wilson : "More patience"
                           Ms. Kriezek : "Organized and weed every nook and cranny"
                           Gabby: "Eat less candy"
                           Matthew: "Improve handwriting"
                           Samantha: "Do better at math"
                           Sara M: "Actually clean room"
                           Brandon: "Do better at baseball"
                           John: "Eat pineapples"
                           Ms. Rafferty: "Take more time for herself"
                           Ms. Garcia: "Get in shape to climb a mountain"
                           Ms. Depace: "Swim across a lake"
                           Ms. Brunger: "Eat more fruits and vegetables and do yoga 3 times a week"
                           Mathew R: "Become more quiet"
                           Luis M: "Get better in life"
                           Alex: "Better athlete"
                           Lezbeydi: "Better skateboarder"
                           Mr. Coffey:" Keep a positive outlook"
                           Nestor: "become better at soccer"
                           Mr. Schroeder: "Lose weight"
                           Ms. Pavri: "To become more organized, and always do my best."
                           Ms. Murphy: Get out more/be more social"
                           Mrs Yakup:  " Become less sensitive to things people say."
                           Mrs. Catalano: "Going to relax more and eat healthier"
                           Ms.Vicari: "Staying healthy"
                           Ms. Nieves: "Travel more"
                           Ms. Nieves Class: " Learn Japanese, learn more about the world, improve writing,
                           better attendance, wants to learn French"
                           Mr. Restuccia:  "Nicer to kids"
                           Flynn: "To do something to make me happier"
                           Mr. Beveridge: "To do as well as I can with everything I do"
                           Ms. Nicholas: "Take better care of myself"
                           Matthew Finnegan: " Beat the champion in a wrestling match"
                           Isaac: "To get better at soccer"
                           Mrs. Coffey: "Hope my whole class has 100% on times tables by February"
                           Class: "Win hockey championship"
                           Mrs. Babcock: "Challenge myself further than I can imagine"
                           Class: "To be a good musician, improving on homework, and getting better at math"
                           Mrs. Countryman: "Workout more"
                           Ms. Schor: "Always be mindful"
                           Ms. Williams: "To have a new resolution each week"
                           Ms. Rivera: "Learn to take a lunch break, not to stay at work until 8 pm"
                           Ms. Short: "Save money and stop shopping, Stop spending to much money"
                           Mrs. Whitaker: "To make learning fun"
                           Mrs. Bonilla: "Be healthy"
                           Mrs. Stewart: "Try my best"
Thank you to all the staff and students who participated.



  1. That was so tiring because I wrote all of that, but it was also fun :)

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!! :)

  3. I want to get better grades!!!!!

  4. I want to be a better singer

  5. i would like to be a better artist get better grades and read more ^-^

  6. i would like to be a better artist get better grades and read more ^-^
