Comics by Katherine S and Sarai R

  Two students in  Mrs.Wolff''s third class decided to write a comic. We, at the Meadow Hill GEMS Informer Blog decided to interview them. Here are a few things we got to ask them.

   K and S: "What inspired you to write a comic?"

   Kids: " I wanted to write because I like cartoon animations, we like making little kids laugh, and we want to be artists when we grow up."

   K and S: "What are your names?"

   Kids:" Jeremiah M and Diwon W."

   K and S: "How old are you?"

   Kids:" Jeremiah is 8 and Diwon is 9."

   K and S:" Are any of your peers used in your comic?"

   Kids:" Yes, we used Amora, Leo, Makiaya, Arianna, Carmine, Chinesya, and Kennedy in our comic.

   K and S:" Do you think your comic is like a book?"

   Kids:" Yes, we feel our comic is like a book."

   K and S:" What is the setting of the comic?"

   Kids:" The comic takes place in a secret Lair."

   K and S:" What is your book about?"

   Kids:" Our book is about chasing down aliens to protect our school and along the way we make super juice which we drink and it gives us super powers."

   K and S:" What comic inspired you to write a comic of your own?"

   Kids:" Well we love reading " Captain Underpants" so it was easy to come up with ideas based on that comic."

   K and S:" Do you feel kids will enjoy reading your comic?"

   Kids:" Yes, because we had fun writing it so we feel kids will have fun reading it.  Writing is a way to express yourself  so never be afraid to let your creativity show."

* Jeremiah and Diwon are actually starting a new comic today.

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