This is Sarai and Nestor reporting from Meadow Hill School's MHGEMS Informer club. We wanted to inform you that there was a Winter concert for the elementary students on Tuesday December 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The concert included 5th and 6th grade band, 5th and 6th grade orchestra, 3rd grade chorus and a 4th and 5th grade chorus. The music teachers Mr. Beveridge, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs.Shackleton and Ms. Flynn did a beautiful job .  It was a great concert. GO MHGEMS!  Here are some of our students preparing to perform.

Mrs. Murphy

Mr. Beveridge


  1. Good reporting, Sarai & Nestor! I like that you provided your readers with all of the important information about the concert. Good job!

  2. Great job about telling everyone about the concert.

  3. We are fortunate to have such talented students and staff! Thank you for reporting on their hard work!

  4. Your reporting and photographs give us a wonderful behind-the-scenes look at the hard work and preparation that goes into one of MH's most treasured annual events. Thank you for doing such a great job of highlighting the wonderful talent at MH, Sarai and Nestor. What are you working on next?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have always loved the Meadow Hill Chorus and Orchestra before my daughter joined in 2008 and afterwards. The chorus and orchestra gets better every year. Thanks to the current vocalists and musicians for filling the hallways with wonderful music during this holiday season.
