Inteview with a singing Star By Jocelyn B

Mia M. is a 6th grader at MH.  She had an incredible opportunity to sing on a radio station.  Today we are interviewing her and asking how she did it.

What made you want to sing?
MIA:  My grandfather inspired her.

What songs did you sing?
MIA: The songs I sang were 'White Christmas', 'O'holy Night', and 'Where are you, Christmas?'.

What station did you sing on?
  92.1 (IHEART RADIO) 

  Were you scared?
MIA: "I  was not scared at all."

 How long have you been singing?
MIA: "I have been singing since I was three years old."

How did you get to sing on the radio?
MIA: "Well, I was supposed to sing last year but my mom signed me up too late.  So the station called my mom this year and they asked my mother if I wanted to sing and I said YES"
Was it an exciting time for you?"

MIA:  "Yes it was very exciting for me.  I really enjoyed the experience."


  1. After reading the interview, I wondered... What singer or singers inspired Mia's singing style? Does she plan to chose singing as a career?

  2. What a wonderful opportunity for Mia. Singing can be such a fulfilling creative outlet. What do you do to express your creativity?

  3. Congratulations Mia that is a nice accomplishment! Who are some of your favorite singers?

  4. I had a fun time interviewing Mia!!!

    1. Wonderful Job interviewing her, Jocelyn! I am very proud of you!

    2. me to Jocelyn. I have had so much fun interviewing her.
