Every month, the reporters for the MH GEMS Informer club will pick a special staff member to be interviewed.  For the month of December, a very important staff member was selected to be the "Staff Member of the Month". Ms. Lynnette Brunger was selected. She is our principal. Here are some questions that we asked her during our interview:.

  1. K and T:  "Was being principal your first career choice?"
Ms. Brunger:   "Absolutely not! I was a teacher first and I always thought I'd be a teacher, but as a principal I get to work with and teach teachers.

K and T:  "Do you like being principal?"

Ms. Brunger:  "I do. There's a lot to remember but, it's great to see kids everyday and to see them learning in class from some really good teachers."

K and T:  "Do you like Meadow Hill?"

Ms. Brunger: "I love Meadow Hill. I think its a really special school.

K and T: "Why did you choose Meadow Hill?"

Ms. Brunger: "I didn't choose Meadow Hill, it chose me."

K and T: "Why did you become a principal?"

Ms.Brunger: I became a principal because my coworkers encouraged me to and I thought it was an opportunity to make a difference in more kids' lives beyond the classroom."

K and T: "How do you feel about the staff?"

Ms. Brunger: "The staff is great and they work their best everyday. I think they're very special."

K and T: "Do you have time for your family?"

Ms. Brunger: "Yes I make it a point to not do work when I go home and we always eat dinner together every night even if it is late."

K and T: "What is it like being principal?"

Ms. Brunger: "Well it can be challenging sometimes because I have to make hard decisions and I get to work with children everyday and support teachers to work very, very hard. Also it is just a great feeling to do everything I can to get teachers what they need so they can be their very best. Teachers, just like students need support and encouragement and to know that their work makes a huge difference."

We thank our principal for this opportunity.  Here is a picture of our principal Ms Brunger and the reporters Katherine and Tory.

    Ms. Brunger and the Reporters Katherine and Tory



  1. Great informative piece! The reporters did a nice job interviewing our Principal. It was nice to learn a little bit more about Ms. Brunger. Can't wait for the next Staff Member of the Month article!

  2. You did a very good job with this interview, girls! I like the questions that you asked. Keep up the good work!

  3. Great interview, girls. I am very proud of you!

  4. I so enjoyed this interview and the intriguing questions that the journalists asked the interviewee.

  5. It is interesting to know that Ms. Brunger always knew she wanted to be a teacher. Her first career choice was not to be a principal, but in many ways she's still teaching. Have Katherine and Tory considered pursuing a career in journalism? Great reporting, K and T!

  6. They are very interesting Questions.Great job!
