PJ Day

Pajama Day at Meadow Hill GEMS School

Wednesday December 23rd- Sixth Grade Fun Day

On this day in order to celebrate the  Winter break, the 6th graders are watching a Christmas movie and they are creating Gingerbread houses. The Gingerbread houses will mainly be comprised of food brought in by the students. The staff didn't inform the students what the movie will be, but it should still be fun. The students will use milk cartons from the cafeteria to build the Gingerbread house base and graham crackers.  The students will be decorating the Gingerbread houses with different kinds of candy and frosting. The students thank the sixth grade teachers for allowing us to celebrate the holidays in school. 
Update:  Here are some pictures of students creating their Gingerbread houses.

Mr. Coffey, making his own Gingerbread house!

Meadow Hill Winter Concert

The Winter Concert was based on the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. The band, orchestra, and chorus performed. The concert orchestra was directed by Mrs. Carlin Flynn and consisted of the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. The 6th grade chorus was directed by Ms. Kelly Shackleton. The concert band was directed by Mr. William Beveridge, this band consisted of the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Next was the Jazz Band, also directed by Mr. William Beveridge. Jazz Band is a selected group of individuals from the concert band to play more complicated pieces of music. After that, the 7th and 8th grade chorus sang and was directed by Ms. Kelly Shackleton. Finally, the 8th grade chorus, which was also directed by Ms. Kelly Shackleton, performed. This final performance closed out the night. It was a great concert.

      We interviewed Ms. Vanriper and how she made a billboard about her class and how they act like GEMS .  She told us about how they behaved, and how they started out rough at the beginning of the year and how they were getting better and better. She told us about how they help each other out with writing essays and how they show compassion to each other.  Ms Vanriper is a great teacher and has been teaching for 10 years.

Cafeteria Poster Meanings by Sophie T. and Maria R.

The poster images in the cafeteria symbolize unity, to take a stand against bullying, and show different varieties of rhymes, different types of limericks, and different kinds of tongue twisters for students and teachers to reflect on and enjoy.  

Celebrating Holiday Traditions by Katherine S, Sarai R, Tyra O, Ashley C

At MHS we have lots of holiday cheer. To show this we have lots of holiday traditions. In the past, we have worn holiday socks, hats, Christmas sweaters, and pajamas. The whole school enjoys the holiday traditions. Here are a few people we caught embracing the holiday spirit by wearing holiday hats, and Ugly Christmas sweaters.