Who am I? by Alexandra Tapia

The 6th grade created 'Word Clouds' to describe themselves. This project was done on the website Wordle.net. The point of the assignment was to really think about yourself and what really expresses who you are. In fact, students were to only allowed to write positive things.

6th graders really outdid themselves on this one! The students went on and on trying to put what really showed their personality. The word clouds brought smiles just seeing the list of all the positive features! Some students asked their friends what they thought of them and the smiles grew bigger and bigger! It was a lot of fun seeing the colors and layouts this program provided for the students. From regular black to bright eye-catching colors were used.  The Word Clouds are hanging in the 6th grade wing.  Check them out.  Would you like to make one? Head to the website today!  www.wordle.net



  1. Great Job Alexandra T. You are an incredible blogger. I am so proud of you!

  2. I enjoyed reading about this, Alexandra! Thanks for sharing the cool website. I will definitely used this one with my class this year. Great work sixth grade!
