We Loved The Culture Fair! by Alexandra T

The Culture Fair was an exciting night for all families and students. It was a celebration of everyone's nationality, everyone coming together and having fun. In fact,we asked some people what they were most proud of and what made them share their culture.

People from different cultures were more than happy to present and share their culture. A trio from Mexico said they wanted to share things such as the Day of the Dead, the Sweet 16 Crown, and more!  Mrs. Babcock, a 4th grade teacher said that she was proud of her culture.  A man from Puerto Rico said he loved the island itself! He presented people at the Culture Fair with instruments from his country.  Here are some pictures from the Culture fair and a video.  We took some pictures when the teachers were setting up the fair.  Thank you Mrs Livolsi for creating the youtube video of the fair.




  1. What a nice job you have done displaying how exciting the culture event was! The YouTube video was just the icing on the cake! Keep up the great work!

  2. Wow! I had a lot of fun meeting these people! :)

  3. that is really cool

  4. look at all that delicious food!!!!! :D

  5. this is cool and I liked the picture with the Mexican flag (lol) xD

  6. omg this is so cute
