Reading Retreat by Sophie T and Tory S

On Wednesday, April 20th, a Reading Retreat was held at MH to motivate kids and adults to read as they may not have had a chance to read at home. During this day, the kids went around the school and admired the doors the teachers (and students) created. The students wore their PJs and read their favorite book.  The pictures below will show all of the doors from that event.  I hope you got a chance to vote for your favorite door.  Please  comment  below on your favorite door and why you picked it. 

P.S.  Mrs. Coffey's door was decorated to match her classroom theme.


  1. Thanks for showing off all our doors! I love being able to see the doors in the other sections of the school!

  2. Everyone did such a nice job!!! Thank you for sharing!

  3. What an amazing event!

  4. Thank you for sharing, Zeeba!

  5. The doors look terrific! Thanks for taking pictures of all of them. It can be hectic on the walking tour so it was nice to browse through them again.

  6. Thank you MH Blog Photographers! That is an awesome job you did! I would not have seen all the WONDERFUL DOORS had it not been for you. I was able to leisurely peruse them. Thanks again for all your work in making this blog successful!
    Counselor Lady
