Dental Hygienist

We interviewed a dental hygienist who visited Ms. Brooks' 5th Grade class.  Thank you to Ms. Brooks for helping us with the interview.

Kelly Graskemper came in to give the fifth grade classes a lesson in oral hygiene. She explained why keeping your smile healthy, keeps your whole body healthy! She even gave a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss pick to every fifth grader.

What is you name?
My name is Kelly Graskemper.

What is your job?
I am a Registered Dental Hygienist. 

What does a dental hygienist do?
A dental hygienist works next to a dentist providing care to patients. Mainly, we clean people's teeth, but most importantly we educate patients on how to properly take care of their teeth and gums by brushing and flossing. 

How do you become a dental hygienist?
Becoming a dental hygienist is a 2 year Associate degree program at a certified University. 

Do you like your job? Why?
I love being a dental hygienist! It's been a great career choice!  The job allows me to make my own schedule, have weekends available and the pay is good. 

Why is it important to go to the dentist? What happens if you don't go?
It is so important to see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly for check ups and cleanings! Keeping your mouth healthy is keeping your body healthy. We need to keep our adult teeth for a long time so brushing and flossing and making the right diet choices will allow us to do just that! If you don't go to the dentist to have check ups and cleanings, bacteria and germs could be causing cavities or holes in your teeth which can be painful. They can also make your guns bleed and hurt. 


  1. Great coverage guys! And what a great idea to have different professionals come in to speak to students. That's what I call Career Awareness (and great health tips too :-)
    Counselor Lady

  2. Having Miss Kelly come in to educate my fifth graders on oral hygiene was such an eye opening experience. I even learned a few things! She even donated toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss picks for every student.

    Thanks for writing up this interview so we can share some important teeth facts with the whole school!
