Student-led conferences by Katherine S and Sarai R "A HUGE SUCCESS!"

   Student-led conferences (SLC) at MHS were a HUGE SUCCESS. We at MHS started SLC this year. We do this so that parents and students can communicate about the students' grades. MHS held SLC on March 16, 2016. Parents got an opportunity to pick times throughout the school day and they had to come in and converse with their children. The conferences were 20 minutes each and in each classroom there were 4 conferences being held at the same time. Lots of people came out throughout the day to talk about their child's grades and feelings about MH school. It was a great day!

Please comment below about your experiences and thoughts about the Student LED Conferences.


  1. I just remember being so nervous :) thank goodness this was a success

  2. the student led conferences arent as bad as people think

  3. the student led conferences was so cool

  4. the led conference was a success and I remember being nervous on the begging :)
