Claude Monet paintings ~ Art by 3rd Graders Written by: Amaya R. Jackson Y. Ashely C, Lissette D and Samantha C.

Third grade students learned about French artist Claude Monet. They made paintings in his style, then are working on making lily pads out of clay. The next class they will glaze them. Here is some of their artwork.

Here is some information about Claude Monet from an article on the internet:

"Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France. He enrolled in the Academie Suisse. After an art exhibition in 1874, a critic insultingly dubbed Monet's painting style "Impression," since it was more concerned with form and light than realism, and the term stuck. Monet struggled with depression, poverty and illness throughout his life. He died in 1926."

                                                                                                       Art teacher: Mrs. Williams

Update:  The lily pads are all completed.



  1. The lily pads look amazing in color!!!!

  2. The lily pads look incredible!

  3. I love the lily pads, they look great!!!

  4. I love the lily pads with the flowers they look great

  5. wow that is so so awesome

  6. I Would like to make a lily pad it looks cool

  7. the lily pads look very pretty i hope you make more one day
