Culture Night by Sophie T and Josue M

Are you familiar with Culture Night?  Well, it is a special night when different cultures come together and celebrate their traditions with food, clothing, music, dance and history.  We are going to have a Culture Night at Meadow Hill School on March 31st, 2016.  We will be eating special desserts, wearing ethnic clothing and watching dances and performances.  We are also sharing recipes.  The information is provided below.  This will be a fun night.  Make sure to come with your MH GEMS School Spirit.
Check out the flyer below. You can also pick up a copy in the main office.


Share a Recipe

For Celebration of Culture

Many families have special recipes that have been handed down from family member to family member for generations.  Sometimes these recipes are cooked often or sometimes they are recipes to bake treats for the family on holidays.  Which dessert recipes are special in your family? 

1.    Choose one recipe that is special to you and your family and neatly write or type it on a piece of paper. 

2.   Make sure to list all the ingredients and the steps in the right order.  

Your teacher will collect all the family recipes and the school will put them in a little “cookbook” for you to keep.

Have Fun!

DUE: March 18th

Comparta una receta

Para la celebración de la cultura

Muchas familias tienen recetas especiales que han sido dictadas de miembro de la familia a miembro de la familia por generaciones.  A veces estas recetas se cocinan a menudo o a veces son recetas para hornear dulces para la familia de vacaciones.  ¿Que recetas de postres son especiales en su familia?

1.    Elija una receta que es especial para usted y su familia y perfectamente escribir o escriba en un pedazo de papel.

2.   Asegúrese de que todos los ingredientes y los pasos esten en el orden correcto de la lista.

     El/la maestro(a)  recogerá todas las recetas de las familia y la escuela puso en un pequeño "libro de cocina" para mantener.

¡Que se divierta!

VENCIMIENTO: 18 de marzo

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