Reading Retreat by Alexandra T

 The Reading Retreat is a day that only comes once a semester on April 20, a half a day, and a day of reading and before you go and yawn, let me tell you the events of this half-day. Students are given one of the most wanted options, wearing pajamas! There is no need to fear about not owning a pair because this day is about being comfortable! This is a day of reading, that's right, reading in comfort!

Not only do you read, wear pajamas, but you also get to spend time with parents and eat snacks! You may be excited already but there's more! Classes can participate in a door decorating contest. See if your teacher is interested in being noticed for decorating a door dedicated to a class book you're reading.  This will be one of the most exciting days for a book lover. Even if you don't read books, then be ready to take some time to relax and read. Who knows, the Reading Retreat may make a part of you JUMP FOR READING!

1 comment:

  1. I liked walking around the building and voting for my favorite door.
