State Tests by Tory Shropshire-Howerton

For all 3-8 graders State Tests are coming soon. They are for ELA and Math. Science tests will be taking place later on.

The ELA test will be administered from Tue 4/5 to 4/7. The Math exams will be from 4/13 to 4/15. For all you who are worried I suggest that you relax, take a deep breath and know that you'll do your best.  YOU CAN DO THIS!


Student-led conferences by Katherine S and Sarai R "A HUGE SUCCESS!"

   Student-led conferences (SLC) at MHS were a HUGE SUCCESS. We at MHS started SLC this year. We do this so that parents and students can communicate about the students' grades. MHS held SLC on March 16, 2016. Parents got an opportunity to pick times throughout the school day and they had to come in and converse with their children. The conferences were 20 minutes each and in each classroom there were 4 conferences being held at the same time. Lots of people came out throughout the day to talk about their child's grades and feelings about MH school. It was a great day!

Please comment below about your experiences and thoughts about the Student LED Conferences.

Reading Retreat by Alexandra T

 The Reading Retreat is a day that only comes once a semester on April 20, a half a day, and a day of reading and before you go and yawn, let me tell you the events of this half-day. Students are given one of the most wanted options, wearing pajamas! There is no need to fear about not owning a pair because this day is about being comfortable! This is a day of reading, that's right, reading in comfort!

Not only do you read, wear pajamas, but you also get to spend time with parents and eat snacks! You may be excited already but there's more! Classes can participate in a door decorating contest. See if your teacher is interested in being noticed for decorating a door dedicated to a class book you're reading.  This will be one of the most exciting days for a book lover. Even if you don't read books, then be ready to take some time to relax and read. Who knows, the Reading Retreat may make a part of you JUMP FOR READING!

NECSD Day Team Newburgh For Students and Teachers by Sophie T.

The NECSD Team Newburgh Day is to build up pride in Newburgh and Newburgh Schools.  This is a very special day for Newburgh.  

This is a piece taken from the Newburgh schools Website that states, "Team NECSD Day is a celebration of us! It's a celebration of the district and the community. The Newburgh Enlarged City School District has a lot to be proud of and it's time to take a day to commemorate what makes us great. Everyday we have amazing things happening in our schools and it's time to applaud ourselves for all we have accomplished.  The day will feature activities across the district. These events will help to pay tribute to current students, teachers, alumni, families, community leaders, and everything else that makes our district extraordinary. Throughout the coming weeks, events will be revealed below and a full agenda will be available for all to view. Be sure to mark your calendars for this event!"

1 41 11 95 89
      Here is an example of the countdown on the website:
      14 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes and 5 seconds left until 
      Team NECSD Day

 Make sure to come showing your MH GEMS School Spirit and Newburgh Pride!

Amaya R.

Spring Break is only a few days away. It starts on Saturday March 19, 2016 and ends on Monday March 28, 2016 and we will be returning on Tuesday March 29, 2016. I hope everyone will do something fun for Spring Break.  I know what I am doing, chilling by the pool in the spring breeze.  Post below in the comment section what you are doing for Spring Break.

Culture Night by Sophie T and Josue M

Are you familiar with Culture Night?  Well, it is a special night when different cultures come together and celebrate their traditions with food, clothing, music, dance and history.  We are going to have a Culture Night at Meadow Hill School on March 31st, 2016.  We will be eating special desserts, wearing ethnic clothing and watching dances and performances.  We are also sharing recipes.  The information is provided below.  This will be a fun night.  Make sure to come with your MH GEMS School Spirit.
Check out the flyer below. You can also pick up a copy in the main office.


Share a Recipe

For Celebration of Culture

Many families have special recipes that have been handed down from family member to family member for generations.  Sometimes these recipes are cooked often or sometimes they are recipes to bake treats for the family on holidays.  Which dessert recipes are special in your family? 

1.    Choose one recipe that is special to you and your family and neatly write or type it on a piece of paper. 

2.   Make sure to list all the ingredients and the steps in the right order.  

Your teacher will collect all the family recipes and the school will put them in a little “cookbook” for you to keep.

Have Fun!

DUE: March 18th

Comparta una receta

Para la celebración de la cultura

Muchas familias tienen recetas especiales que han sido dictadas de miembro de la familia a miembro de la familia por generaciones.  A veces estas recetas se cocinan a menudo o a veces son recetas para hornear dulces para la familia de vacaciones.  ¿Que recetas de postres son especiales en su familia?

1.    Elija una receta que es especial para usted y su familia y perfectamente escribir o escriba en un pedazo de papel.

2.   Asegúrese de que todos los ingredientes y los pasos esten en el orden correcto de la lista.

     El/la maestro(a)  recogerá todas las recetas de las familia y la escuela puso en un pequeño "libro de cocina" para mantener.

¡Que se divierta!

VENCIMIENTO: 18 de marzo

Tickets in breakfest bags (National School Breakfast Week) by Nestor Garcia

A ticket is hidden in a bag of breakfast. The gift cards are worth $10.  So if I were you, I would get breakfast every day. This lasts from March 7-11. Enjoy the gift card if you win.

Cell phones at school by Lissette D. Lezbeydi L.

 Should we use cellphones in school? All 6th grade students gave their opinion on deciding whether students should use cellphones in school or not. Many of the 6th graders said yes and fewer students said no. There are many advantages and disadvantages in using cellphones at school. The 6th grade students did a great job on explaining why or why not students should be able to use cellphones at school.  The 6th grade students also worked very hard on these essays. They wrote an argument essay about deciding if they should be allowed to access cellphones at school.

COMMENT BELOW!  Positive comments only!

Student led conferences Tory S.H and AshleyC

Student Led Conferences and parent teacher conferences will take place on March 16, 2016. The students from K-4 will have a traditional parent teacher conference. The Student Led Conferences will be taking place in grades 5-8. Student led conferences are very nerve racking but very short. In the conferences the students will tell their parents how they are doing in school. The parents and the students will have a conversation and come to an agreement on how to help with school work.  I hope you're doing well otherwise, you're in trouble :). Good luck (I think you'll need it). :)

chocolate bunny hunt by Jackson Y. and Samantha C.

To celebrate Easter,  you can win a chocolate bunny for $1 at the MH GEMS school store. Each egg might contain a golden coin.  This coin entitles you to win a chocolate bunny. But when you buy an egg,  it might not include a golden coin. The egg also can include other items such as a chocolate egg, sticky bands with the shape of a chicken, etc.

Knitting with Ms. Krizek by Katherine S & Sarai R

 Ms. Krizek is a teacher at MH.  She teaches reading and has a study hall period as well. She loves to knit. During 6th period study hall she likes to teach her students how to knit. She has taught them multiple things like pearling, casting on, binding off, and regular knitting. A few of her study hall kids participate in the knitting such  as Katherine S, Sarai R, Ashley C, Tory S, Alexandra T, Sara M and others.

Ms. Krizek

Claude Monet paintings ~ Art by 3rd Graders Written by: Amaya R. Jackson Y. Ashely C, Lissette D and Samantha C.

Third grade students learned about French artist Claude Monet. They made paintings in his style, then are working on making lily pads out of clay. The next class they will glaze them. Here is some of their artwork.

Here is some information about Claude Monet from an article on the internet:

"Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France. He enrolled in the Academie Suisse. After an art exhibition in 1874, a critic insultingly dubbed Monet's painting style "Impression," since it was more concerned with form and light than realism, and the term stuck. Monet struggled with depression, poverty and illness throughout his life. He died in 1926."

                                                                                                       Art teacher: Mrs. Williams

Update:  The lily pads are all completed.