Interviewing The 4th Grade Team! By Alexandra T and Tory S-H

The 4th Grade Team is fantastic team here at Meadow Hill. They are a group of teachers who teach our 4th graders and prepare them for 5th grade. We got the chance to interview each of them and really get to know them! We asked them the same set of questions and recorded their responses.

Q: How long have you been teaching? How many grades?

Mrs. Coffey has been teaching 16 years and taught two grades within those years: 5th and 4th. Mrs. Babcock has taught 20 years and with every grades as a Japanese Specialist. Mrs. Dickson taught 16-18 years and 2 grades: 5th and 4th. Mr. D'Alfonso has only taught 2 years with 2 grades which included 3rd and 4th for each year. Mrs. Noel is on her 3rd year with Mrs. Dickson. 

Q: What made you become a teacher?

Mrs. Coffey was inspired by her first grade teacher. Mrs. Babcock had English as her second language and was treated differently by her teacher. Mrs. Dickson was inspired by her mother who was also a teacher. Mr. D'Alfanso had experience through lots of jobs before deciding to teach kids. Ms. Noel  always wanted to be a teacher. 

Q: What do you tell yourself on rough days? 

Most of the team responded with "It's one day closer to the weekend". Mrs. Babcock says it has to get better as it's only temporary. Mr D'Alfanso has saved his happiest memories with his class and uses them on his rough days. Mrs. Noel has taken a different approach with counting to ten backwards after taking a deep breath. 

Q: Did your first day of teaching scare you?

We've only had one No in this interview from Mrs. Coffey.  The rest of the fourth grade team said yes. Some said yes because of a certain grade they had to teach. 

Q: What would you be doing if you weren't a teacher? 

Mrs. Coffey had grown up riding horses so if she hadn't been a teacher. She would be a national champion at it! Mrs. Babcock had come down to three choices: A restaurant critic, a personal shopper, or a travel specialist. Mrs. Dickson would have chosen wedding planner. Mr. D'Alfanso would have settled on being a salesmen. As for Mrs. Noel she would have chosen a party planner or entertainer.

Thank you to our 4th grade team for the interview.

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