Our Social Studies Teacher Mrs. Johnson! By Alexandra T and Josue M

Today we interviewed our Social Studies teacher Mrs. Johnson!  She is our Teacher of the Month.  Mrs.Johnson is the 6th grade Social Studies teacher who is loved by all her students!  We took the time to get to know her and it was very interesting to learn about her career in teaching!

Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: 24 years

Q: Do you enjoy your time?

A: I love my job!
Q: How many grades have you taught?

A: Three; 2nd, 4th, 6th

Q: What do you tell yourself on rough days?

A: Tomorrow will be better, it has to be!

Q: What have you learned from your kids?

A: To have a sense of humor, don't be so serious.

Q: Did your first year of teaching scare you?

A: Yes because I was working with 1st and was moved straight to 6th!

Q: What made you become a teacher?

A: Well, I had a fantastic English teacher, I loved her class so much, I became a teacher! 

Q: Why did you change grades?

A: Sometimes there's no choice, I went to 2nd because a spot was open.

The bloggers thank Mrs. Johnson for the interview.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Conversation. Mrs.Johnson is one of the nicest teachers
