Hatching Chicks with Ms. Rosario by Sophie T, Sugey V

The bloggers interviewed Mrs. Rosario's 1st grade class.  They're hatching chicks. Here the questions we asked. We also got some photos.

Q: How long have you had the eggs?
A: 7 Days

Q: What are the two different types of chickens?
A: Hen is the female and Rooster is the male

Q: What is the box they are in called?
A: Incubator

Q: When are the chickens going to hatch?
A: Approximately May 17, 2016

Q: How do you feel about this experiment?
A: I feel excited

Q: How many eggs are there?
A: 13 eggs

Q: What temperature does the incubator have to be?
A: Between 90- 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Q: What are you looking forward to about the chicks?
A: I am excited to see what they look like and what color they will be

Q: What will you do with them after they hatch?
A: We will take them to a local farm.

Q: How long does it take for them to hatch?
A: It takes 21 days for the chicks to hatch

Q: What is a baby fertilized developing chick called?
A: An embryo

We thank Mrs. Rosario for the interview.