Alexandra M. Josue M.

Hello Meadow Hill. Do you know what D.A.R.E is? It basically means Drug Abuse Resistance Education.  Officer Spampinato, educates the 5th graders about not taking drugs, not bullying, and making good choices when they're older. When the 5th graders take the DARE class, they get a book and a prize like an eraser or a pencil that has a dare logo on it. At the end of the year, the 5th graders have a  ceremony to celebrate their accomplishments in the D.A.R.E. program.

 Congratulation 5th graders!!!!!!!

Teacher Prom by Sophie T. and Estefany L


There will be a prom for all Faculty and Staff ONLY!

On  Saturday, June 11th, 2016
From 7:00 P.M.- 11:00 P.M.
Proper Attire Required.
@ The Newburgh Armory.
It's An Old School Prom.                                                              
It's A Fun Way To Bring Faculty And Staff Together

Final Exams


6th,7th and 8th graders will be taking final exams for Science/ELA/Social Studies and Math. The dates of the final exams are:
Social Studies; June 13th
ELA; June 14th
Science; June 15th
Math; June 16th

                                                       *** 8TH GRADE ONLY***
June 17th is the Earth Science Final.

7th and 8th grade Checkpoint A Spanish final will be June 20th

Good luck to everyone and study hard.  These finals are worth 20% of your grade.

Hatching Chicks with Ms. Rosario by Sophie T, Sugey V

The bloggers interviewed Mrs. Rosario's 1st grade class.  They're hatching chicks. Here the questions we asked. We also got some photos.

Q: How long have you had the eggs?
A: 7 Days

Q: What are the two different types of chickens?
A: Hen is the female and Rooster is the male

Q: What is the box they are in called?
A: Incubator

Q: When are the chickens going to hatch?
A: Approximately May 17, 2016

Q: How do you feel about this experiment?
A: I feel excited

Q: How many eggs are there?
A: 13 eggs

Q: What temperature does the incubator have to be?
A: Between 90- 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Q: What are you looking forward to about the chicks?
A: I am excited to see what they look like and what color they will be

Q: What will you do with them after they hatch?
A: We will take them to a local farm.

Q: How long does it take for them to hatch?
A: It takes 21 days for the chicks to hatch

Q: What is a baby fertilized developing chick called?
A: An embryo

We thank Mrs. Rosario for the interview.

Our Social Studies Teacher Mrs. Johnson! By Alexandra T and Josue M

Today we interviewed our Social Studies teacher Mrs. Johnson!  She is our Teacher of the Month.  Mrs.Johnson is the 6th grade Social Studies teacher who is loved by all her students!  We took the time to get to know her and it was very interesting to learn about her career in teaching!

Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: 24 years

Q: Do you enjoy your time?

A: I love my job!
Q: How many grades have you taught?

A: Three; 2nd, 4th, 6th

Q: What do you tell yourself on rough days?

A: Tomorrow will be better, it has to be!

Q: What have you learned from your kids?

A: To have a sense of humor, don't be so serious.

Q: Did your first year of teaching scare you?

A: Yes because I was working with 1st and was moved straight to 6th!

Q: What made you become a teacher?

A: Well, I had a fantastic English teacher, I loved her class so much, I became a teacher! 

Q: Why did you change grades?

A: Sometimes there's no choice, I went to 2nd because a spot was open.

The bloggers thank Mrs. Johnson for the interview.

ART SHOW By Sarai R and Ashley C

We appreciate Art a lot! Every year we have a Newburgh school district art show.  This year it is held in a section of Motorcyclepedia Museum in Newburgh NY. This event shows art work by different students all around the school district. The Meadow Hill Art teacher Rachel Williams and a stream of proud parents admired the work of the students.I hope you go and see the Art Show!!!!!!!!!!  Here is a report from one of the local newspapers.

Mrs. Williams

National Junior Honor Society by Katherine and Lissette

Every year we have celebration to welcome kids to the NJHS[national junior honor society]. The NJHS is a group of students who have average 92.5 or higher for the first three marking periods. 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcomed. We have an induction ceremony at the end of May.  This an exclusive group, only the students who work very hard and earn high grades. Don't forget there is always next year, so do your best!

Spring Dance by Sarai.R,Tyra.O and Josue.M

Hey! How did you like the Valentine's Dance? Well if you did, on May 20th, the Spring Dance will be held at Meadow Hill School! There will be many fun things like a DJ, food and treats, and more! The students will enjoy the dance with a large selection of music and remixes. Teachers are also welcome to either volunteer or dance with us! At the dance you can also buy glow sticks to light up the night with your friends for 50 cents! So come down to the Spring Dance to have one of the most enjoyable nights of the year!!

YOGA by Katherine S and sarai R

 At our school we like to make sure everyone is healthy and exercising. To make sure this is conveyed to everyone, Ms. Schor has started a Yoga Club. Ms. Schor is an ENL teacher at MH. Her Yoga Club is every Tuesday from 3:30 p.m to 4:30.  This takes place in the Primary Playroom on the stage.  This club is for teachers ONLY. So teachers, if you are interested, join Ms. Schor.

 on Tuesdays after school!