Meet the 2016-2017 Bloggers

Here are the MH GEMS Bloggers

Alexandra:  I am 11 years old and in 7th grade.  I am in my second year of doing the blog and I love it.  I hope to become a journalist or a pediatrician when I grow up. 

Kaylee: I am Kaylee I am in 6th grade. I love to write and take photos. I have 2 brothers Jake and Luke. Jake is almost 17 in 12th grade and Luke is 15 in 10th grade. I have 4 pets(2 guinea pigs, 1 hamster, and a cat). In my free time I like to go to Bounce(indoor trampoline sports)! I also like to hang out with my mom. I like to do outdoor activities. In school I am in chorus, play the baritone horn and I do well in school. I also like to hangout with my friends Valerie and Ashlyn. They are also in this blog and in 6th grade. My favorite color is all of the colors! I really hope to succeed in this blog! :)  

Valerie: I am in 6th grade. I enjoy playing basketball, and dream of one day becoming a professional basketball player. I enjoy playing it with my best friends, Kaylee Consani and Ashlyn Memon. I have six amazing family members, Brandon, Julia, Sean, and my two awesome parents! I also have four pets. Lacey, my pit bull mix, Reilly, my Golden Retriever lab mix, and my two adorable cats, Simba and Shea. Thank you for reading this! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed telling you this! (;

Kashmini: Hello I'm Kashmini Persaud. I am 11 years old and I am so looking forward to being a Blogger! A little bit about me. I am Guyanese Indian. I dance to Indian music and sing classical Indian music. I also listen to Arianna Grande. I play the violin in a upper grade class. I love to draw, and eat more candy then I should. I love to joke and I'm very happy. I'm part of this blog! My favorite sport is Cricket and my favorite subject in school is Social Studies! This is me. K bye!!

Jake: Hi my name is Jake Wolff am I am a sixth grader. My favorite sport is baseball. I also play basketball and soccer. I have a dog at home. He is a yellow Labrador Retriever. He is the best dog I could ever have. I am a great sixth grade student. My favorite subject is Math. I am very good in math. In baseball I pitch, catch, play first and third. In basketball I play center and forward. In soccer I play goalie and midfield. I'm glad you know a little about me!!! Bye!!!!!!

Jasmine: My name is Jasmine and I'm 11 years old and I'm in 6th grade. My favorite sport is soccer. Some of my best friends are Arianna W, Lissette D, Alexia O, and Chanel T. My birthday is on January 23, 2005. I have 3 older siblings as well. Thank you for reading!

Caleb:  I have friends and I'm 10 years old and in the 6th grade.  I think I am pretty handsome. 

Ashlyn:  I am in 6th grade.  I have a sister and her name is Ella.  I live with my mom and my dad. I like to play basketball and my favorite color is orange.  I am ten years old.  My favorite subject is Math.

Kayleigh: I am in 6th grade and I am 11 years old. My birthday is August 23, 2005. I wanted to join this club because I love to write and I want to be an author someday. I have a HUGE family and we play many sports. I also have a brother named Evan and my Nana works at Meadow Hill School. I am very excited to be working on this club ! :)

Iezabell:  I am in 6th grade and am 11 years old.  When I grow up I want to be either a registered nurse or a photographer.  I have 4 siblings one older, and three younger.  I live with my father.

Ameer:  I am in 6th grade and I am 11 years old.  I play soccer and I am on a team.  I have a lot of friends.

Kevone:  I am in 6th grade and am 11 years old.  I have a dog and I have many friends.  My favorite subject in Math, my favorite sport is soccer.

Jada:  Hi everyone, my name is Jada and I am in 6th grade.  My favorite subject is science because I can do experiments and ELA because I can express myself in my writing.  I like to write and draw and I play the violin.  I hope you like me in this blog.  Ok, bye!

Isaac:  Hi my name is Isaac.  I am 11 years old.  My favorite sport is baseball.  My favorite subjects are Science and ELA.  Now you know a little bit about me.

Madeline:  I am 11 years old.  I like to play with my sister.  I like reading.  My favorite subjects are Science and Math.  I would like to be a nurse when I grow up.

Mark:  I am 11 years old and I have 3 cats.  When I grow up I want to have my own bakery.  This is my first year at Meadow Hill School.  My favorite subject is Social Studies.  My favorite sport is soccer.  In my free time, I like to read and play outside.



  1. Look at our amazing scholars!!!! Thank you for publishing such an informative and inspirational blog!!!

  2. Wow! So nice to get to learn a little about you guys. I am also happy to see that students new to MH are transitioning so very well and participating in events and clubs here at MH.
    Counselor Lady
