Mr. Angelo by Nestor Garcia and Ashley Deleon

We interviewed Mr. Angelo, one of our middle school resource teachers.  We had a fun experience interviewing him.  Here are the questions we asked.

Q: What teacher would you be if you weren't a resource teacher?

A:If I didn't become the kind of teacher that I am now I would be interested in being a music teacher.

Q:Was being a resource teacher your first interest?

A:After deciding not to be a music teacher, my next choice was being a resource teacher and I'm glad I chose it.

Q:Have you ever worked before with students below 6th grade?

A:I've taught every level from kindergarten to twelfth grade.  Right now I love working with 6th, 7th,and 8th grade.

Q:Had you ever consider being a principal.

A:When I was younger I've thought of being a principal but now that I'm close to Yoda's age,  I would never do it.   It's a lot of work and it's a lot of stress and I don't have enough strength.

We would like to thank Mr. Angelo for the interview.  It was a lot of fun.

Mr. Angelo


  1. Wow, I learned something new about you. What kind of music would you have taught? Great job Ashley and Nestor. Proud of you. Your School Counselor :-)

    1. I love music history and music theory. I would have also loved to have taught piano/synthesizers. AGREED ... great job Nestor and Ashley. This entire blog is incredible.
