Mr. Angelo by Nestor Garcia and Ashley Deleon

We interviewed Mr. Angelo, one of our middle school resource teachers.  We had a fun experience interviewing him.  Here are the questions we asked.

Q: What teacher would you be if you weren't a resource teacher?

A:If I didn't become the kind of teacher that I am now I would be interested in being a music teacher.

Q:Was being a resource teacher your first interest?

A:After deciding not to be a music teacher, my next choice was being a resource teacher and I'm glad I chose it.

Q:Have you ever worked before with students below 6th grade?

A:I've taught every level from kindergarten to twelfth grade.  Right now I love working with 6th, 7th,and 8th grade.

Q:Had you ever consider being a principal.

A:When I was younger I've thought of being a principal but now that I'm close to Yoda's age,  I would never do it.   It's a lot of work and it's a lot of stress and I don't have enough strength.

We would like to thank Mr. Angelo for the interview.  It was a lot of fun.

Mr. Angelo
On March 11th Meadow Hill School will be showing the Peanuts Movie.  Bring your parents and family members. You can dress in your PJs and bring a blanket.  There will be a concession stand with food and drinks.  It's going to start at 6:30 pm. Get ready to have a lot of fun!